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New Bloomberg Anti-Gun Ad Inadvertently Proves Why Women Need Guns

Bloomberg's new anti-gun Organization Everytown is out with a new advertisement that inadvertently proves why women should be trained and armed before being faced with a violent attacker.


The new ad shows an unarmed woman with her child alone in her home when her violent ex-husband shows up at the door in a violent rage. She calls 911, but because when seconds count the police are minutes away, that phone call didn't matter. The ex-husband breaks down the door, takes the kid and pulls a gun on the woman. All of this could have been prevented if the woman had a firearm in her possession as soon as she saw her ex-husband pounding on the door.

The point of the video according to Everytown is to urge people to contact their legislators about keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers. Fair enough, but what happens when a domestic abuser disobeys firearms laws already on the books and gets a gun illegally (as most criminals do)? As the video makes clear, there was a restraining order against the husband, which he violated. What are women supposed to do when violent attackers disobey the laws? I happen to believe that a piece of paper and a false assurance police will show up on time aren't good enough. Women must be able to go on the offensive with equal force to protect themselves.


When Everytown was established earlier this year, the group's organizers made it clear they were going after women. Unfortunately, the anti-gun, unarmed policies Everytown stands behind only make women more vulnerable, not less. Their own advertisement proves it.

Tomorrow the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing about "protecting women from gun violence" as part of the Violence Against Women's Act.

H/T @DavidRGreen_

Gun control is a war on women. Be sure to check out my book Assault and Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women to find out why.

UPDATE: An antidote.

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