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Islamic Taliban Guns Down Popular Female Singer in Pakistan

A popular female singing icon has been gunned down in Pakistan and the Taliban may be to blame, but don't worry, the country isn't harboring terrorists.


Well-known Pashto singer Ghazala Javed and her father were shot and killed by unidentified men in Peshawar city of northwest Pakistan, police said.

The men fired indiscriminately at Javed and her father Mohammad Javed while she was leaving a beauty parlour at the busy Mohallah Nau in Dabgari Bazar last night, the singer's relatives told police.

In recent years, several singers and musicians in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province have been gunned down by the local Taliban, who have declared music "un-Islamic".

Several musicians have fled the northwest after receiving threats from the militants.

Police are also looking at the possibility that Javed's death was linked to differences with her husband.

Javed married Jehangir Khan, a native of Peshawar, some two years ago.

Last year, differences emerged between the couple and she left her husband's home and began living with her father.

Religion of peace, right? She was either murdered by Islamists for daring to embrace western culture or killed by her husband for getting away from him.


Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood is leading riots in Egypt again.

The Muslim Brotherhood is stepping up its campaign against an interim constitution declared by Egypt's ruling military that curtails the powers of the next president, calling for protests Tuesday in Cairo and other cities.

The protests mark the opening of the possible next chapter in Egypt's turmoil -- a power struggle between the Muslim Brotherhood, which claims its candidate won this weekend's presidential runoff, and the generals, who have carved out for themselves a status as the ultimate rulers even after they nominally hand over authorities to the new president on by July 1.

Brotherhood supporters are also protesting a court ruling last week that dissolved parliament, where the group was the largest bloc with just under half the seats.

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