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#NoShame: Obama Leaves US Taxpayers a $9,000,000,000,000 Tab

When Barack Obama leaves office in January 2017, he can look in the mirror and proudly tell himself that it was he who amassed more federal debt than the 43 men who stood before him, combined.  Just after calling Americans lazy and racist, it is he who holds the honor of plunging the United States into to it's worst debt crisis ever.


As of Monday, October 3rd, Obama has officially signed enough lucrative business deals, foreign ransom payments, and government healthcare extensions to create a $19,573,444,713,936.79 federal debt.  That is exactly $9,000,000,000,000 more than when he took office in 2009.  

A graph produced by CNS News shows the massive increase over the past eight years.


This is substantial.  This leaves each American household $76,442 in the hole.  

One can only ask, how does it feel Obama?

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