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AARP Set to Gain $1 Billion From Obamacare

House Republicans are calling for an investigation into the AARP's tax exempt status, after a Ways and Means Committee report revealed that the group stands to gain
$1 billion from the Affordable Care Act:

AARP will gain as much $1 billion over the ext decade from the 2010 health care overhaul and should have its tax-exempt status investigated, according to a group of House Republicans.

“AARP operates in direct opposition to the needs of their senior membership,” Representative Wally Herger, a California Republican who chairs the House Ways and Means Health subcommittee told Bloomberg. “We think they ought to know what we’ve uncovered.”

Two GOP members of the House Ways and Means Committee released a report Wednesday alleging that the nation’s largest seniors group stands to gain financially from the Affordable Care Act. They say the law could result in more people demanding Medicare supplemental policies endorsed by AARP. These endorsements could bring in money from collecting royalties and other fees from the sale of insurance policies.

The AARP supported Obamacare in 2009, though it caused them to lose 60,000 members and turned out to be a bad deal for employees. Reports such as these call their motives into question.

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