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MSM: Why, This Hillary Character Seems Evasive and Flawed

The keepers of the Beltway flame don't seem terribly impressed by Hillary Clinton's aloofunavailable presidential campaign thus far. Meet the Press'
Chuck Todd thinks she's engaged in awkward ideological "gymnastics" and failing to connect (via the Free Beacon):

The 'Game Change' boys see the relentless drip, drip, drip of the Clintons' financial irregulaties and serial opacity as "quite threatening" to her viability (via Grabien):

And what is Mrs. Clinton's favorite refuge when her family's multimillion-dollar slush fund is attracting unwanted attention, new details are emerging about her failures and dishonesty as Secretary of State, and her self-created email headaches just won't go away?  First! Woman! President! demagoguery:

Sigh.  Economists have found that Democrats' go-to "pay gap" issue is largely a fiction, borne not of discrimination, but of women's choices.  But since people like Hillary Clinton insist on flogging this talking point as means of scoring cheap points with under-informed voters, conservatives have no choice but to raise 
obvious hypocrisy questions -- applying the Left's own anti-intellectual, nuance-free standards:

Clinton's camp protests that these figures don't tell the whole story.  They're right, of course; they don't.  How much will Hillary focus on that exact same fine print as she's pounding the table about Republicans "standing in the way" of equal pay or whatever?

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