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RNC Chair to Reid: Dirty Liar

Looks like the GOP isn't standing for Sen. Harry Reid's bullying tactics. Reid recently suggested--without a shred of evidence he can share, apparently--that Mitt Romney hadn't paid taxes for quite awhile. Reports the AP:

Top Republicans on Sunday accused Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of lying by passing along an anonymous claim that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney hasn't paid taxes for 10 years. Republican Party chairman Reince Priebus called Reid a "dirty liar." Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said, "I think he's lying about his statement of knowing something about Romney" and he contended Reid was "making things up to divert the campaign away from the real issues." Reid's spokesman, Adam Jentleson, contended that Republicans were trying to cover up for Romney and the aide repeated the Nevada senator's claims that the source about Romney's taxes is "credible." Other Democrats said Romney could clear up any confusion about his taxes by disclosing them to the public, and the issue was a main talking point on the Sunday news shows.

UPDATE (Guy) - Here's video of Priebus' exchange on This Week.  The best part is when George Stephanopoulos seems taken aback by the term "dirty liar" and asks if the RNC Chairman will "stand by" that characterization.  Priebus' reply?  "I just said it."

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Additional props to Priebus starting his answer with a series of slams on the economy, which is the issue Reid is trying to distract from with his pathetic stunt.

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