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'Catering to Freedom's Enemies': More Senators Join Criticism Against Obama Admin

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is joining the chorus of bipartisan criticism against President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and whoever else had a hand in the U.S. abstaining from this week's anti-Israel UN resolution, condemning settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.


By neglecting to stand with Israel, the administration, Rubio said, is catering to "the demands of freedom’s enemies." Furthermore, our abstaining from the vote "undermines our moral standing in the world."

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said more of the same in multiple statements on Wednesday.

"These acts are shameful," Cruz said. "They are designed to secure a legacy, and indeed they have: history will record and the world will fully understand Obama and Kerry as relentless enemies of Israel. Their actions were designed to weaken and marginalize Israel, and to embolden its enemies."

Democrats, too, are appalled by the White House's treatment of Israel. Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), for instance, accused the administration of strengthening Israel's enemies.

Just as they tuned out all of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's warnings about the nuclear deal with Iran, the White House is not listening to these concerns. Instead, Kerry offered an hour long speech on Wednesday explaining why he's right

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