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WATCH: At Trump Tower, Marine Corps Vet Tells Liberal Media to 'Get Head Out of Their Butt' and Focus on Real Issues

At Trump Tower in New York City Tuesday morning, Donald Trump did his best to silence media criticism about a fundraiser he held earlier this year to support veterans' groups. For weeks, the press asked where the money had gone. On Tuesday, Trump listed each recipient along with the exact dollar amount, but that didn't stop him from getting into some heated exchanges with some of the reporters in attendance, calling one journalist a "real beauty" and another a "real sleaze."


Yet, it was a Marine Corps vet, Al Baldasaro, who really put the press in their place.

Baldasaro said there are a lot of "scam artists" who claim to want to help vets, but Trump isn't one of them. He then skewered the media for its obsession with Trump's fundraising records while neglecting to report on real veterans' issues like the alarming suicide rate and the VA scandal.

"Get your head out of your butt" and start asking the right questions, he insisted.

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