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Dems Look to Woo Single Women After Hobby Lobby Decision…There’s Just One Problem

It’s no surprise that Democrats are using the Supreme Court’s decision to grant Hobby Lobby and their Christian owners exemption from Obamacare’s contraception mandate as political bait. “No more birth control!” War on women!” liberals cry, hoping this fear mongering will drive more single women to the polls. There's just one problem: This demographic doesn’t care about midterm elections.


In the NY Times’s own words:

But the challenge for Democrats is that many single women do not vote, especially in nonpresidential election years like this one. While voting declines across all group in midterm contests for Congress and lower offices, the drop-off is steepest for minorities and unmarried women. The result is a turnout that is older, whiter and more conservative than in presidential years.

This graphic better outlines the Democrat Party’s major issue:

 photo votingbloc_zps6d440e1a.jpg

So, why the consistently low turnout? Here's what Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi thinks,

“A lot of these are single moms, they’re young, and young people don’t know when there’s an election. It’ isn’t any lack of civic-mindedness. They’re just living their lives in a different way than, say, seniors are.”

Whatever the reason, this lack of political motivation among single women may mean a lack of Democrats in the Senate:

Single women, Democrats say, will determine whether they keep Senate seats in states including Alaska, Colorado, Iowa, Michigan and North Carolina — and with them, their Senate majority — and seize governorships in Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, among other states.


So, cue the panic and cue the desperate “war on women” strategizing:

The party is using advanced data-gathering techniques to identify unmarried women, especially those who have voted in presidential elections but skipped midterms. By mail, online, phone and personal contact, Democrats and their allies are spreading the word about Republicans’ opposition in Washington — and state capitals like Raleigh — to pay equity, minimum wage and college-affordability legislation; abortion and contraception rights; Planned Parenthood; and education spending.

Unsurprisingly, Big Abortion has already thrown its hat in the political ring, especially in the state of North Carolina:

Emily’s List and Planned Parenthood’s action fund are heavily engaged, and they will spend $3 million each on their top priority: Ms. Hagan’s race here against the Republican Thom Tillis.

Democratic candidate Kay Hagan described her mobilization strategy as, “Heels on the ground.”

Isn't that considered...sexist? Equating girls with shoes? We know what happened in DC when those politically incorrect ads emerged on the metro.


But, desperate Democrats don’t care about hypocrisy and they don’t care about the truth, choosing instead to push their false narratives:

“The policy issues that unmarried women care about are legitimately under attack,” said Kelly Ward, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

No wonder so many single females are staying home instead of voting. Hopefully more women will choose to reject this nonsense.

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