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How much damage did the Defunders do?

Over the last three weeks, the rollout of President Obama's signature domestic accomplishment, Obamacare, has been a complete disaster. Hundreds of thousands have been notified they can't keep their current health plan, millions have seen their premiums rise, and the website those without insurance were supposed to use to buy mandated health insurance isn't working.


Given these facts, you'd think support for Obamacare would be collapsing. But it's not.

In fact, since the government shutdown began, every poll that has been taken shows Obamacare gaining in popularity, not declining.

The Washington Post/ABC News poll shows support for Obamacare rising from 42% approve/52% disapprove to 46% approve/49% disapprove.

CBS shows support for Obamacare rising from 39% approve/51% disapprove to 43% approve/51% disapprove.

CNN shows support for Obamacare rising from 38% approve/57% disapprove to 41% approve/56% disapprove.

Rasmussen shows support for Obamacare rising from 43 approve/53% disapprove to 46% approve/48% disapprove.

If the goal of the Defund movement was to defund Obamacare, it failed miserably.

If the goal of the Defund movement was to build support of Obamacare repeal, it failed miserably.

If the goal of the Defund movement was to rally support for Obamacare by making Republicans look like tone-deaf extremists unfit to govern, then the Defund movement was a huge success.

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