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Nine Counties in Indiana Under Investigation For Voter Fraud

Nine counties in Indiana are under investigation for voter fraud after it was discovered that hundreds of voter registrations contained some combination of fake names, addresses, and birth dates. The investigation originally centered on two counties, but eventually grew to nine.


The fraudulent registration forms were submitted by a nonprofit called the Indiana Voter Registration Project, along with thousands of other forms.

The investigation began in late August when police learned of the filing of fraudulent voter registration forms in Marion and Hendricks counties.

The investigation has expanded from Marion and Hendricks counties to include Allen, Delaware, Hamilton, Hancock, Johnson, Lake and Madison counties, according to a statement from State Police.

Police said the growing number of involved counties leads investigators to believe that the number of fraudulent records might be in the hundreds.

The possible fraudulent information is a combination of fake names, addresses and dates of birth with real information.

As part of the expanded investigation, State Police detectives served a search warrant for the business offices of the Indiana Voter Registration Project in the 2400 block of North Meridian Street.


Indiana has a voter ID law, but no ID is required for a mail-in ballot.

Other states have been investigating voter fraud allegations. In Colorado and Virginia, dead people were found to be still listed as registered voters. In one instance in Colorado, a dead woman "voted" in multiple elections after her death.

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