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While Obama Vacations, Taylor Swift Donates $1 Million To Flood-Ravaged Louisiana

Louisiana has been hit by devastating flooding, and thousands of people have lost everything. Eleven people have died.

President Obama is currently vacationing on Martha's Vineyard, and aside from signing a disaster declaration five days ago, has otherwise not commented on the situation. (He did, however, have time to go to a Hillary Clinton fundraiser.)


Compare this to pop star Taylor Swift. Swift, who began The 1989 World Tour in Louisiana last year, said that she appreciated her fans in Louisiana and was heartbroken by the devastation in the state. She then pledged to donate $1 million in relief money and encouraged others to "help out and send [their] love and prayers."

Swift released a statement to the Associated Press:

"We began The 1989 World Tour in Louisiana, and the wonderful fans there made us feel completely at home. The fact that so many people in Louisiana have been forced out of their own homes this week is heartbreaking," the 26-year-old said in a statement.


"I encourage those who can to help out and send your love and prayers their way during this devastating time," Swift said.

What a weird world we live in where a pop star is doing more PR about a disaster than the president of the country.

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