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Of Course: Planned Parenthood to Sue Group That Took Undercover Video Exposing Baby Part Sales

Abortion giant Planned Parenthood is still reeling after the Center for Medical Progress released a series of undercover videos showing abortionists haggling over baby parts "for a Lamborghini," selling whole baby cadavers for intact parts, pushing baby parts around in a pie dish while declaring "it's another boy!" and cutting through the face of a baby whose heart was still beating in order to get to an intact brain. 


Now, as Congress vows to continue fighting to strip Planned Parenthood of $500 million in annual taxpayer funding, the group is planning to sue CMP for their undercover sting. Not surprisingly, Planned Parenthoood is arguing the videos were selectively edited, but fails to mention CMP released full, raw footage of each investigation. From The Hill

Planned Parenthood is considering legal action against the pro-life organization that has released a series of secretly recorded videos scrutinizing the health provider’s fetal tissue donation program.

In an exclusive interview with The Hill, Planned Parenthood Executive Vice President Dawn Laguens said she believes the videos are illegal and that her organization is "considering everything" in going after the Center for Medical Progress, the group behind the videos.

"I absolutely do believe that they have violated laws in terms of how they secured these videos," she said in an interview at the group's Washington, D.C., headquarters. "But the fraud is also in how they have presented them and in the editing."

It was three weeks ago when a federal judge and big time Democratic donor slapped a restraining order on CMP, violating the group's First Amendment rights and preventing them from releasing a number of videos left in their arsenal.

A temporary restraining order has been issued preventing an anti-abortion group from releasing any video of leaders of a California company that provides fetal tissue to researchers. The group is the same one that previously released three covertly shot videos of a Planned Parenthood leader discussing the sale of aborted fetuses for research.

The Los Angeles Superior Court order issued Tuesday prohibits the Center for Medical Progress from releasing any video of three high-ranking StemExpress officials taken at a restaurant in May. It appears to be the first legal action prohibiting the release of a video from the organization.

In the first video released by the Center for Medical Progress, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, describes techniques for obtaining fetal body parts for researchers to activists posing as potential buyers from a human biologics company over lunch. When asked about partnering with Planned Parenthood directly rather than through its affiliates, Nucatola mentioned StemExpress as one company that had approached them.

In another previously released video, a woman identified as a former StemExpress phlebotomist describes drawing blood and dissecting dead fetuses.

"I thought I was going to be just drawing blood, not procuring tissue from aborted fetuses," the employee, Holly O'Donnell, said.

So far, CMP has released seven videos exposing gruesome abortion practices by Planned Parenthood "doctors." Earlier this month Congress failed to pass a measure defunding Planned Parenthood, but lawmakers have said the issue will be back on the table once the August recess is over.

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