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White House Staff Shakeup, Gibbs' Replacement Revealed

ABC News has the scoop:

Sources tell ABC News that President Obama is expected to make staffing announcements as soon as today or tomorrow, and is expected to name two new deputy chiefs of staff: current head of the White House Office of Health Reform Nancy-Ann DeParle and current White House director of Scheduling and Advance Alyssa Mastromonaco.

White House insiders say Robert Gibbs' replacement as White House press secretary seems likely to be Jay Carney, the current communications director for the Vice President, though the president has yet to inform Carney or any of the other candidates -- deputy communications director Jen Psaki, in particular, but also deputy press secretaries Bill Burton and Josh Earnest -- of his decision.


As I've written previously, former Time Magazine Washington Bureau Chief Jay Carney's elevation to White House Press Secretary would complete the liberal journalist circle of life:  From "unbiased" pro-Obama media mouthpiece to official Obama White House spokesperson.  Perfect.

Carney, during his "journalist" days, offering totally objective covering the man he now works for.

UPDATE: Carney also cluelessly blamed conservative bloggers for the Michelle Obama "whitey" rumors in 2008, which were widely known to be peddled by Hillary Clinton supporters.

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