As demonstrated by the current occupant of the Oval Office, liberals often don’t care about real-world experience and in reality, often try to squash it as it exposes their failed ideology as destructive to the masses.
Well, with regard to that real-world experience, when it comes to poverty, I have it in spades. I grew up in abject poverty, was often homeless as a child, and by the time I was 17, I had moved 34 times. All because of eviction.
Three months ago, Simon & Schuster was nice enough to publish my memoir, "Rolling Pennies in the Dark: A Memoir with a Message." Within the body of the book were thoughts and solutions which dealt with poverty based upon my having actually lived the life.
No shock that because many of those solutions involved personal responsibility, hard-work, and accountability, while admitting that big-government, affirmative-action, and political correctness were enemies of the poor, the majority of the mainstream media chose to ignore the memoir.
No worries. As I have often said over the years, human-nature dictates that people tend to embrace the truth right up until the moment it reflects poorly upon them or their cause. That liberal ideology is literally destroying the lives of America’s poor (and the world’s as we watch the nanny-state socialist “solutions” devastate the economies and people of Greece, Spain, Italy, and a growing number of countries), is a truth which must not be ignored.
The president of “Hope” and “Change” is being true to his word. Albeit, in the polar-opposite direction. His policies (and lack thereof) have crushed the hopes of millions of poor Americans while changing their lives for the worse for years to come.
And guess what? The mainstream media absolutely knows that truth but refuses to report it for reasons of corrupt ideology.
A few years ago, I was talking to an editor at a top-ten paper in the United States. He was lamenting the fact that everyone above him on the mast-head were northeast liberals who were directly responsible for the paper’s continual drop in circulation. Said he, “We deliver insults onto the front porch of our conservative and moderate readers every day and then act surprised when they cancel their subscriptions.”
When I asked why these liberal editors would willingly commit corporate suicide, he had a simple and devastating answer: “Because their twisted ideology trumps the financial health of this paper. It’s not their money, so they just don’t care.”
That about sums it up. For liberals like Barack Obama, his mentor Saul Alinsky, or Nancy Pelosi, it’s not their money. One way or another, they are all well off or outright wealthy and never have to worry about the highly flawed consequences of their socialist actions. After all, “can’t the poor just eat cake? What’s the big deal?”
The big deal is that states like Maryland, New York, and California are driving the job-creators out of the state with punitive and unfair tax-rates.
The big deal is that corrupt and unethical teachers unions are only in it for themselves and their dues paying members and could not care less about the poor students whose very futures they are destroying.
The big deal is that the corrupt and unethical public-employee unions have totally cratered the economies of their host states, counties and cities and in the process, further crippled the economic outlook for the poor.
The big deal is that all most all liberal politicians like Mr. Obama take the vote of the poor and the minority communities for granted. They feel, as they have for decades, that they can continually make fools of the poor by promising them big-government giveaways they can’t possibly deliver upon and know they will have their vote in the bag.
Tragically, for the most part, that is still true. Many people still want the idea of something for nothing now even when they know it will hurt them and their children later.
But, and this is a critically big BUT, there are a small but growing number of poor and minority Americans who snapping out of it and realize the liberals have been playing them (and the country) for suckers. They are intelligent, they do read, they can add and subtract, they do want the best for themselves and their children, and they don’t want their city, county, state, or country to become the next Greece.
In part because of the liberals disgraceful treatment of America’s poor, change is coming in November. Barack Obama is going to lose by 5 or more points and will only have the out-of-touch, pampered, arrogant, multi-millionaire in the mirror to blame.
Too bad so many will pay such a high price for his hubris.
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