
Here's How Biden Chose to Commemorate the Dobbs Leak

Thursday marked the two-year anniversary of someone leaking the Dobbs v. Jackson decision. Although it wasn't officially handed down until June 24, 2022, the Dobbs case was, in fact, used to overturn Roe v. Wade. All this time later, even with investigations having taken place, we still don't know who made such an egregious and unprecedented move as to leak the decision. At the time, the Biden administration and other top Democrats didn't care about the affront to the institution, as they were more so concerned with the consequences of the Dobbs decision. On the anniversary, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris reminded us that's very much still the case.

On Thursday, President Joe Biden's political X account posted incessantly about the leak and about abortion, including a new pinned post that was a fearmongering ad. All of the account's seven posts and reposts for Thursday were about the topic, actually. Many take shots at former and potentially future President Donald Trump. 

It's not as if Thursday was a slow news day. The president finally spoke to condemn the pro-Hamas protests seen going on at college campuses across the country, though he still tried to make it a "both sides" issue. Biden only posted about those Thursday morning remarks from his official X account. 

The first post on the abortion issue is a repost from Harris, who has made abortion a particular focus as she campaigns for the Biden-Harris ticket. 

"Greetings, everyone. So two years ago, we learned in a leaked draft decision, that the Supreme Court of the United States would overturn Roe v. Wade," she said, acknowledging the leak but never acknowledging concerns about the unprecedented nature. "And in the two years since, in states across our nation, extremists have proposed and passed laws to criminalize doctors and punish women, laws that make no exception even for rape and incest," she, instead, continues with.

What Harris leaves out is that the whole idea of Dobbs is for states to be able to decide their own abortion laws, which Trump made clear last month he champions. In Harris' home state of California, they voted to legalize abortion up until birth for any reason. 

It's also worth making clear that, despite the vague nature of Harris' remarks when it comes to the choice of the word "punish," women are not criminally punished for their abortions in this country.

"Today, one in three women of reproductive age in America live in a state with an abortion ban," Harris lamented further, though she at least acknowledged "women" rather than using woke terms such as "pregnant people" or "birthing person."

"Be clear: Donald Trump did this," she continued, connecting it even further to the election. "He handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court," as his right to do as president, and which his supporters considered as a major factor when voting for him, "because he intended for them to overturn Roe, and they did as intended. And he says he is proudly responsible for it."

As Harris went further after Trump, she also engaged not just in fearmongering, but a misrepresentation of Trump's whole focus on the issue being about states' rights. "Be clear: if he gets a chance, Donald Trump will sign a national abortion ban."

"But we are not going to let that happen," the vice president then says to try to offer a glimmer of hope. "When we win the White House in November, and when the United States Congress passes a law that restores the protections of Roe, our president, Joe Biden, will sign it. Because you see, we trust women, and women trust us to fight for reproductive freedom."

Harris was speaking about, and has also posted about, the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA), which the Biden White House has been pushing for years. Even when the Democrats had control of both chambers of Congress, as well as the White House, it failed to reach Biden's desk for him to sign. That being said, Biden and other Democrats are in favor of nuking the filibuster to get it passed.

Such a law would not merely "restore the protections of Roe," but would actually expand such a decision and ensure abortion up until birth for any reason without legal limit was a reality not just in states like California, but nationwide.

Harris herself has the same pinned post for her political account and also posted six times total about the issue. 

These posts also come after Biden's account posted three times about the abortion issue on Wednesday, after the heartbeat bill went into effect in Florida that day. Harris posted three times as well on Wednesday and had also posted about abortion on Tuesday. 

Biden and his fellow pro-abortion Democrats think Florida is in play over the issue and a ballot initiative about the issue, but Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis looks to be giving him a run for his money there. The vice president was in Jacksonville on Wednesday, while the president was in Tampa the week before.

The pinned post for Biden and Harris' accounts came from the Biden HQ account, as do other posts from the day. It's an unsurprising move, given that that account is prone to lying about Trump's position on abortion and several other issues. Their account posted and reposted about abortion close to 10 times on Thursday.

There was no mention of how it wasn't just the institution of the Court that was threatened, but the justices themselves. Illegal protests took place outside the homes of conservative justices, a move which then White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki downplayed and then even said it was something they "encourage." Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote the opinion, had to leave his home for a time and attend events remotely from an undisclosed location. Nicholas John Roske is facing federal charges for a plan to kidnap and assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh and he allegedly had plans to do the same to other conservative justices.

Pro-life organizations and Catholic Churches were also targeted, though pro-abortion Democrats have continued to insist on playing a game of whataboutism.