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Kamala Harris Claims TRUMP Is a Threat to Gun Rights, Free Speech. Yes, Seriously.

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

This close to an election, it's unsurprising to see candidates grasping at straws. That's especially true when you're as horrible a candidate as Kamala Harris. Sure, she's the vice president, but a campaign based on "joy" isn't really a winning strategy when people are suffering because of policies you backed.

So, she's trying a different tactic. Despite backing gun control and assaulting free speech, she's projecting all of that onto Donald Trump.

That's right, the woman who has backed at least two different gun bans, a gun confiscation scheme, and supports hate speech laws wants the American people to believe that if Donald Trump wins the election, he's going to take their gun rights and freedom of speech away:

Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday claimed Donald Trump will try to gut the First and Second Amendments if elected — even though she herself has a record of cracking down on free speech and backing gun restrictions.

“When he says he wants to terminate the Constitution of the United States? You know what that would mean? In the Constitution of the United States is your Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure, your Fifth Amendment right [to due process], your Sixth Amendment right to an attorney. Right?” Harris said in an interview with the Club Shay Shay podcast.

“The First Amendment [right to free speech], the Second Amendment [right to bear arms],” the Democratic nominee continued, specifically noting that she is “in favor” of the Second Amendment.

“He wants to terminate the Constitution of the United States,” Harris said.

Of course, what Trump actually said was that voter fraud warranted terminating the rules regarding elections. He wasn't talking about dismantling the Constitution in totality. Now, he was out of line as it was, though I understand why he'd feel that way, but it doesn't change the facts.

At no point has Trump called for ending people's gun rights nor attacked their freedom of speech. 

Additionally, the scores of op-eds calling for an end to the Constitution didn't come from Trump supporters, either.

No, that all came from Democrats who don't like that the Constitution precludes them from enacting all sorts of policies, including restricting our right to keep and bear arms as well as our right to speak out against attempts to do so.

Then again, Democrats are good at projecting. If they're accusing you of doing something, it's something they want to do. In this case, they take a statement by Trump – one that might be understandable but ultimately misguided – and try to leverage it into saying something he didn't mean, all while ignoring how often their side does the same thing.

Kamala Harris is trying to scare people into voting for her because "joy" was an idiotic strategy from the start. At least Obama's "hope" campaign came when he was the outsider. After four years, she's had enough time to try to do some of what she's promising now. She didn't, and since feelings of joy won't convince you to vote for her, she's hoping feelings of fear will.

No one is fooled.


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