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'Mayor Pete' Surging In Iowa According To Latest CNN Poll

While former Vice President Joe Biden maintains his place atop the heap of Democratic candidates in Iowa seeking the 2020 nomination against President Trump, the latest polling from CNN indicates that his advantage is slipping and folks like Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) or Southbend Mayor Pete Buttigieg could beat him if their popularity continues. 


According to CNN, a new poll conducted by Selzer and Co. that 24% of expected Iowa caucus participants "say they favor the former vice president, with 16% backing Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, 15% Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and 14% South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg. California Sen. Kamala Harris rounds out the five over 5% with 7% support." 

The poll also found that Biden's "supporters are less apt than others to say they are "extremely enthusiastic" about him (29% vs. 39% for backers of all other candidates, and 43% among those backing his nearest competition in Sanders, Warren or Buttigieg)." 

Buttigieg, a relative newcomer to the national stage and virtual nobody just 5 months ago, said he was excited about his polling but maintained it was still early in the race. 

"Well, I'd say it's very encouraging. It shows a lot of momentum and it shows that campaigning works. We've invested a lot of time and a lot of effort, not just nationally, but getting to be known in Iowa and obviously that's led to some growth," he told CNN. "But it's very early. As you can see, it's a big field, a lot of jostling. There will be a lot of ups and downs. So one more encouraging data point, but a part of a very, very long road."


A poll in March indicated that Buttigieg was polling at 1% amongst expected caucus-goers. The Iowa caucus is February 3, 2020. This year, participants will be able to do so in person and virtually, which could explain why the younger Buttigieg doing better as the base of those likely to participate expands vs. in-person caucus attendees. 

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