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KJP Thought She Could Take a Victory Lap Over Student Debt 'Relief' at Today's Briefing. She Was Wrong.

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre may have thought she could get away with a victory lap for President Biden on Wednesday when she heralded the latest illegal student loan "cancellation" attempt by the Biden administration — a transparent ploy to win the support of young voters ahead of November's election — but her attempts to justify the massive reallocation of debt from those who willfully took out loans to American taxpayers did not go over well.


No matter how you slice it, President Biden's unconstitutional student loan reallocation is fundamentally unfair — and rather ironically flies in the face of Democrats' obsession with equity. On this point, Jean-Pierre was asked why Americans who didn't have $35,000 in student debt shifted to hardworking taxpayers don't also deserve a check for $35,000 to use as they see fit. 

Jean-Pierre's answer was more of a mess than usual. Never mind, apparently, that most Americans are already being crushed through no fault of their own by the painful consequences of Bidenomics. 

The unsatisfactory answer from Biden's chief spokeswoman was paired with an equally significant failure to explain what the president's message was to the Americans who didn't go to college or otherwise avoided taking on tens of thousands of dollars in debt. 


Spoiler alert: Neither Jean-Pierre have been "clear" about the economic mess created by Biden's failed and failing economic policy.

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