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Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Gives Elon Musk His Bizarre Blessing

House Energy and Commerce Committee via AP

Amid uproar from leftists, mainstream media talking heads, and the rest of the usual lib suspects in the wake of Twitter's announcement that it had made a deal to accept Elon Musk's offer, one voice broke through late Monday night: Twitter cofounder and former CEO Jack Dorsey.


In a thread posted on — where else — Twitter, Dorsey started his thoughts with a link to the Radiohead song "Everything In Its Right Place." It's not exactly a lyrical masterpiece but it's a mood, or something. 

"I love Twitter," Dorsey wrote before claiming a rather self-aggrandizing notion that the platform he cofounded is the "closest thing we have to a global consciousness."

Despite stepping down from his role as CEO of the company last year, Dorsey pledged he would do "whatever it takes to protect" the idea and service of Twitter, and noted that Twitter "as a company has always been my sole issue and my biggest regret." Sounds like some lost verse to John Lennon's "Imagine" about a world without companies? But he says taking Twitter private after being a publicly traded company since its 2013 IPO "is the correct first step," apparently in his commitment to protecting the idea behind, and service provided by, Twitter.


There is, however, somewhat of a caveat in Dorsey's concept of Twitter — he doesn't think it should be owned or run, but just...exist? Referring to Twitter as something with "wants" is a little strange, but it's Dorsey, so... 

In good news for its new owner, apparently Twitter's wants have only one solution, and that's a hostile takeover by Elon Musk — at least according to Dorsey's interpretation of Twitter's consciousness.

Unlike lib Twitter which has been reacting, well, poorly, Dorsey also endorsed Musk's vision for Twitter as a private company, one that current CEO Parag Agrawal is on board with. "Thank you both for getting the company out of an impossible situation," Dorsey said. "This is the right path."


If the replies to Dorsey's thread that rolled in Monday night are any indication, his blessing of Musk's takeover will not quell the discontent of those who spent most of the day working themselves into a tizzy.

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