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Another Interviewer Asked Harris When She'll Visit the Border...It Didn't Go Well

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

In a Thursday interview with Univision, Vice President Kamala Harris was again asked about her absence at the U.S.-Mexico border since being tasked by President Biden with handling the illegal immigration crisis.


One might think that the Vice President's aides might have prepared Harris to handle such questions after her widely-criticized interview with NBC's Lester Holt, but it doesn't appear that they did. 

"I said I'm going to go to the border," Harris told Univision host Ilia Calderón, repeating a line she's used repeatedly before that hasn't yet proven true. "When are you going to the border," interjected Calderón, seeking some concrete details on this often-promised trip that hasn't materialized. 

Apparently caught off-guard by this natural follow-up question, Harris raised her finger and said "I'm not finished," channeling her debate performance against Vice President Mike Pence, before adding her standard chuckle. "I've said I'm going to the border," Harris added. 

As Julio reported earlier, even the White House is less than thrilled with Harris' handling of questions over her trip to Guatemala and Mexico while continuing to avoid visiting the U.S.-Mexico border:


Even the White House has let it slip, to CNN, that they are not happy with how Harris handled questions about the border, with the prime example coming during her interview with NBC News in which she was clearly unprepared to be asked about a border trip—despite the issue being raised for months.

Vice President Harris can say she's "going to the border" ad naseam—and she has—but until she actually follows through and shows up along the southern border to see the plight of federal and state officials and the communities being impacted by the historic influx of illegal immigrants, she should expect this line of questioning to continue. And she certainly shouldn't expect to skate by with a chuckle or a clarification that she also hasn't been to Europe.

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