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Atlantic Writer Breaks Ties With Kamala Harris After Exposing Dems Lies

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

A left-wing publication published a hit piece on Vice President Kamala Harris after she officially secured the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee without a single primary vote. 


Author Nancy Rommelmann criticized Democrats for their “COVID amnesia,” President Joe Biden claimed Harris accomplished an excellent task of reopening the nation. However, the left-leaning outlet is refusing to let the Democratic Party off the hook for this one. 

Rommelmann pointed out that schools were forced to remain closed in Democrat-run cities while Republican governors began opening back up their states. She cited the destruction that these cities are still facing the repercussions thanks to the Biden Administration’s policies.

“Democrats might count on Americans to be forgiving, but they are not stupid, and they would do well to not let the pageantry of televised politics obfuscate the fact that they are being lied to,” she wrote. 

Rommelmann was careful not to give former President Donald Trump any positive spotlight, noting that it was under his leadership that the six-foot distancing rule and masks were mandated. She said that when Biden was elected, she and fellow Democrats were relieved that new leadership might bring change. However, she quickly learned that the country “needed to be rescued, and the only ship in sight flew a blue flag.” 

But then we couldn’t get off. We were captive to decisions sold in the name of science but created more crudely by teachers’ unions and political appointees. Children were among the worst off as America—blue America, really, like the host city to the Democratic National Convention—kept its schools closed longer than any peer country. Does the Biden administration expect voters to not remember this? In our supposed exuberance over Kamala Harris, are we somehow supposed to invent a memory of her heroic effort to pry open schools? Although gaslighting is a term we should probably retire for overuse, it’s worth keeping in mind as we look at the 2020–21 school-reopening timeline we are being asked to magically revise in 2024, with an eye toward what, if anything, Harris had to do with it.

Harris also didn’t do anything to change the administration’s policies. Instead of facing down the teachers’ unions and urging local jurisdictions to reopen their schools immediately, the Biden administration decided to try buying their cooperation. So what did Biden mean when he said Harris “helped states and cities get their schools back open”? That one vote? I asked the Harris campaign for comment but did not hear back. Keeping schools closed for so long was a mistake, and the Democrats shouldn’t pretend Harris is responsible for opening them. Nor should voters allow Democrats to pretend that she did.


According to several polls, Harris’ favorability remains well under water. 

A YouGov/The Economist and a Gallup survey found that nearly 50 percent of voters find Harris unfavorable. Meanwhile, an Emerson College and a FiveThirtyEight poll found that the vice president does not hold an advantage over Trump. 

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