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Delta Airlines Goes Woke

AP Photo/Charlie Riedel

Delta Airlines has succumbed to the woke politics being pushed by the U.S. government, and that is the only reason Vice President Kamala Harris has a job in the White House. 

This week, the airline announced that it would no longer say “ladies and gentlemen” over the loudspeaker to meet its Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) standards. 

Delta’s Chief DEI Officer Kyra Lynn Johnson said that the airline is "beginning to take a hard look at things like our gatehouse announcements” and "boldly pursue equity,” which has been a top concern for the airline since 2020 when it rolled out an inclusive language guide. 

The guide encouraged employees against using terms that indicate there are only two genders, such as “he” and “her,” and instead use gender-neutral terms when speaking or describing a person. 

“You know, we're looking at some legacy language that exists in some of our employee manuals. And getting to the root of the way some things are described and saying, ‘Does that actually send a message of inclusivity?’” Johnson said during a 2021 panel. 

She also stressed to employees that Delta aims to be an “antiracist company” and that Delta's DEI team would closely monitor its progress toward becoming the most progressive airline passengers can fly with. Employees could potentially be forced to take a racial equity workshop, which offers Delta leaders training on how to close equity gaps within the company. 

According to a Rasmussen Reports survey, just 25 percent of people think DEI initiatives make companies better. 

Thirty-four percent of respondents believe DEI makes companies worse, 25 percent say DEI programs don’t make much difference, and sixteen percent were unsure. 

The poll corresponds with Johnson’s acknowledgment that some Delta employees are not “comfortable” with its DEI push, saying that the “greatest challenge” has been normalizing the new program. 


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