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The Media Have Some Explaining to Do

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The country is facing the consequences of the left’s vile political rhetoric it has spewed against former President Donald Trump. 

On Saturday, Trump was the victim of an assassination attempt, surviving only by nearly a millisecond after turning his head at just the right time. 


For years, the left-wing media and the Biden Administration have fear mongered Americans into thinking Trump is the biggest threat to democracy, calling him Hitler, a dictator, a danger, and much more. 

They said Trump needed to be stopped; he needed to be taken out; he needed put “in a bullseye,” dialing up the political temperature. When you say over and over again that someone is going to destroy the nation, it’s only a matter of time before someone believes it and takes action. 

With this, let’s take a look at just a few of the times left-wing media painted Trump as an existential threat to the U.S. 

Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has contradicted herself on more than one occasion, saying Trump needs to be held accountable for “inciting violence.” However, here she is literally telling a crowd of people that if they see a Trump supporter in public, they must push back and take them down. 

Now, take a look at every liberal media outlet characterizing Trump as a fascist, a racist, and dangerous to the nation. 


While we’re at it, remember when so-called “comedian” Kathy Griffin held a bloody Trump’s head in her hand? 

It is no wonder why an unhinged person who eats, sleeps, and breathes left-wing media believes the disgusting things they have said about a POTUS through the years. 

Earlier this year, twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton again called Trump “Hitler.” 

Just weeks ago, President Joe Biden warned that Trump is a “threat to everything America stands for.” 

“It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye,” he said. 

Biden has likened Trump to being a dictator, laying the groundwork for unprecedented violence to occur. 

For someone who constantly calls for unity, the president has driven a wedge between the nation. We are more unsafe in this country than we ever have been. Instead of focusing on the true threat to democracy, such as the millions of illegal aliens he has let into the U.S., Biden lies to the American people about the truth. 

When the entire focus of the Democratic Party’s focus is based on treating its opponents as illegitimate and claiming they are the second coming of Adolf Hitler, you get violence-- not unity. 


The implications of the left’s speech have cost innocent lives to be taken and almost drastically changed the climate of the country. This would be a completely different article if an absolute miracle did not happen on Saturday. 

Despite this, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced that the Biden Administration will continue calling Trump a threat to democracy after saying they would tone down attacks on the 2024 GOP nominee for a few weeks. 

However, according to a recent PBS Marist poll, more independent voters believe Biden is more of a threat to democracy than Trump. 

Fifty-three voters think Biden will weaken democracy compared to 42 percent who say Trump would. 

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