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Biden Admin Insults Trump On His Birthday

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The Biden campaign celebrated former President Donald Trump’s 78th birthday with a list of 78 “accomplishments,” or insults, that include his legal battles and the “Bloodbath Hoax”— which liberal media took out of context and ran with it. 


“Happy birthday, Donald. You’re a crook, a failure, a fraud, and a threat to our democracy, economy, rights, and future,” Biden campaign spokesperson James Singer said in a statement. “On behalf of America, our early gift for your 79th: Making sure you are never President again.”

Despite failing to mention all of the ways President Joe Biden has destroyed the United States, the list highlights Trump’s politically motivated felony convictions and some difficulties he has faced as a business owner— which has no impact on his ability to run the country. 

Now, take a look at all of Biden’s so-called “accomplishments.” 

Biden will go down in history as one of the worst presidents in the U.S. because of his rapid unnecessary spending, reckless economic policies, and border policies that have caused tens of millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country, the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, and so much more. 


The 81-year-old president has lied several times when telling stories about his GPA, his so-called scholarships, and his whereabouts. Biden also sold the U.S. to China and Ukraine and took advantage of his political position for his family’s financial gain. 

Biden has also driven inflation to unprecedented levels and allowed crime to infiltrate into every American community. 

According to a recent CBS News/YouGov poll, more than half of voters view Trump as the more favorable candidate than Biden. 

Fifty percent of voters believe Trump has the mental and cognitive health to serve a second term, while only 35 percent said the same about Biden. 

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