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The Left Is So Desperate for Votes, They Are Paying People to Vote Democrat

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

The Democrats are hemorrhaging votes so badly that they are willing to pay people to vote for its candidates. is  paying Gen Zers $35 to register  their friends and family as Democrats. The site recently launched Swipe Blue, an app designed for progressive activists to encourage people in their phone contacts list to vote Democrat. 


The app is looking for “progressive activists” who are “passionate about reproductive rights, the climate crisis, student debt, and more” to persuade people under 30 years old to register as Democrats ahead of the November presidential election. 

“GenZ is the most progressive generation in history,” the site says. “Especially young women whose lives have been transformed by Republican abortion bans.” 

When a person swipes left to register someone in their contacts list to vote, the example message reads “Our democracy is in danger from extremists who attacked Congress and working to outlaw abortion everywhere.” 

Another example message claims that the country is “under attack from extremists” that refuse to accept election results. 

The app also attempts to push GenZ voters to take advantage of absentee and early mail-in voting by sending a text message discouraging people from casting their ballot in person. 

Recently, President Joe Biden has lost his edge with GenZ voters over his support for Israel amid its war with Hamas. Young progressive activists are creating a nightmare for President Joe Biden’s reelection chances as they demand that he take more direct action on a permanent cease-fire in Gaza. 


With Biden and former President Donald Trump as two candidate options this election cycle, 58 percent of voters ages 18-34 say they are unsure if they’ll vote in November— according to a recent Axios poll. 

A CNN report warned that Biden’s “young voter problem keeps getting worse.” 

A poll conducted by SSRS found that Biden is 11 percentage points behind Trump among young voters 18-34 in a head-to-head match. Meanwhile, only 37 percent of GenZ voters said they were satisfied with the Democrat candidate. 

In addition, 68 percent of young Americans view Biden’s presidency as a failure— this figure is more than any other age group. 

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