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Nikki Haley Announces Who She's Voting For

AP Photo/Chris Carlson

Former U.N. ambassador and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) has revealed which 2024 candidate she plans to cast her vote for in November. 


In a surprise change of heart, Haley said she would vote for her GOP rival, former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden. 

Haley’s support of Trump could potentially boost the former president’s 2024 chances after some voters have continually cast their votes for the governor despite dropping out of the race. 

In Wisconsin, a key battleground state, 20.8 percent of Republican primary voters cast a ballot for a candidate that wasn’t Trump or Biden. Despite suspending her campaign a month ago, Haley received more than 12 percent, or 76,000 votes, in the state. In comparison, in 2020, Biden won Wisconsin by over 20,000 votes against Trump. 

During a conservative think tank, Haley said that Biden has been “a catastrophe” for the country, resulting in her vote going for Trump. 

“Trump has not been perfect on these policies. I have made that clear many, many times,” she said. “So I will be voting for Trump.” 

Haley recognized that she had millions of supporters who wanted to see her secure the White House, saying that “Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me.”

In Arizona, Haley won 18 percent of the vote in the GOP primary in March— even after suspending her campaign. 


Voters who supported Haley on the campaign trail may now support Trump after her endorsement. However, according to the Biden campaign, the 45th president “doesn’t want Nikki Haley’s supporters.” 

The Associated Press claimed that the Biden Administration is organizing a Republicans for Biden group behind the scenes, which will encourage Haley voters to cast their vote for Biden in each battleground state. 

Haley attacked Democrats and Republicans who “have forgotten what makes America safe.

Haley took a few jabs at the Republican Party while declaring that "Joe Biden’s legacy is already clear. He will go down in history as the Commander in Chief who refused to stop our enemies.”

“Just a few weeks before Biden threw Israel to the wolves, many Republicans in Congress tried to push Ukraine off a cliff. All told, 112 House Republicans voted against military aid to Ukraine,” she said. “Some Republicans lack… clarity when it comes to Ukraine.” 

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