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Trump Remains the Clear Winner Among His GOP Rivals

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Former President Trump is garnering support left and right after his landslide victory in Iowa. 

Just days before the New Hampshire caucus, Trump has secured the support of several Republican colleagues, including Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND).

The GOP governor predicted this party’s presidential nominee race to be over following the New Hampshire primary, suggesting Trump will take the majority of the vote. 

“There’s been a lot of talk. The whole narrative has been ‘Narrow the field. Narrow the field,’ and now it’s time to do that. This race for the nomination for the Republican Party should be over after New Hampshire,” Burgum told Breitbart News Saturday. 

The governor also called for unity within the Republican Party, adding that his GOP colleagues need to rally behind the former president. Burgum, who endorsed Trump earlier this week, said the United States won’t survive another four years under the Biden Administration. He compared Trump’s time in office to Biden’s, pointing out stark differences in the economy, the southern border, and national security.

“[Biden’s] going the wrong direction on the economy, the wrong direction on energy policy, and the wrong direction on national security, which includes border security. Those are the three things that, when I was running for president, we were running on,” Burgam said, adding that it was an “easy” decision to endorse Trump. 

On the contrary, the U.S. was moving in the right direction regarding energy, national security, and border security under Trump. 

According to a Suffolk University/the Boston Globe poll, Trump maintains a massive lead in the run-up to the New Hampshire primary caucus. 

The poll found that Trump has secured 53 percent support, while his rival— former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley stands at only 36 percent. 

A CNN poll also found that Trump has 50 percent support among likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire, while Haley stands at 39 percent. 

Fifty-six percent of respondents have a favorable view of Trump, compared with 36 percent who feel that way about Haley and 28 percent about Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL). In addition, the CNN poll found that more Americans believe the former president did more to help the country than hurt it— 70 percent/ 28 percent. 


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