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Even Joe Biden's Own Hometown Doesn't Like Him

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The chances of President Joe Biden getting re-elected are looking worse day by day despite what liberal media wants the country to believe. 

Not only does half of the country have little faith in Biden’s ability to hold office for a second term, but even his hometown in Delaware has low enthusiasm for his 2024 reelection campaign. 

According to the far-left Guardian publication, local Scranton, Delaware residents expressed their doubts that Biden will be able to secure another four years as the U.S. continues to spiral downward under his leadership. 

The outlet noted how Biden has continually failed Americans, including record-breaking inflation and an immigration crisis, causing the U.S. to face a national security threat due to his weakness on the world stage. 

Breitbart highlighted the most notable reasons residents told the Guardian why they are disappointed in Biden’s job as president. 

“I’ve lost a lot of the passion that I used to have,” local history buff Nick Petula, an independent who voted for Biden three years ago, told the Guardian. He cited Hunter Biden’s legal troubles as a reason for concern: “All the things about his son, of course, it’s discouraging to hear that.” 

Restaurant worker and former Biden voter Mike Boratyn said he does not know whom he will vote for in 2024. He raised concerns about how little Biden accomplished in his first three years in office. “I think Biden tries to be inspiring, but I think he was the lesser of two evils,” he said. “He doesn’t seem like he was getting as much done as he promised.”

Brandon DeManincor, an art therapy major at Marywood University, said he is frustrated that Biden is the Democrat’s presumptive 2024 nominee. “I would prefer someone new for the Democratic party besides Biden, but that’s probably not going to happen,” he said.

A recent Pew Research poll found that just 33 percent— the lowest since Biden took office— approve of the president’s handling of the country. At the same time, only 7 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents feel confident in Biden. 

In addition, Biden’s job approval among Democrats has declined 12 percentage points since October 2022— from 73 percent to 61 percent. 


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