With the so-called “mysterious” discovery of cocaine being found at the Biden White House this week, critics are reminding Americans that Hunter Biden was kicked out of the Navy in 2014 after failing a drug test due to the white powder being found in his system.
In 2013, Hunter failed a drug test after testing positive for cocaine. However, he was not booted from the Reserve until February 2014.
In true Democrat fashion, the president’s son blamed the incident on two men from Africa instead of taking responsibility.
Hunter wrote a letter to the Navy Reserve explaining that he had no clue how the deadly drug entered his system. However, he tried to pin the blame on a cigarette he bummed off of two men from Africa outside a bar a few blocks from the White House.
Hunter was 43 years old when he decided to join the Navy. The failed drug test ended his very brief military career, in which he then decided to pursue amateur finger painting and getting into shady business, making illegal deals with his father, President Joe Biden.
Due to his age, Hunter needed a waiver to join the Navy. He received a second Navy waiver because of a prior drug-related incident-- shocker.
In response to his discharge from the military, Hunter said that it was an “honor of my life to serve in the U.S. Navy, and I deeply regret and am embarrassed that my actions led to my administrative discharge. I respect the Navy’s decision. With the love and support of my family, I’m moving forward.”
The same year Hunter decided to join the Navy, then-Vice President Biden joked about him pursuing a military career, saying, “We have a lot of bad judgment in my family.”
The story re-emerged after cocaine was found in a highly trafficked area of the West Wing at the White House earlier this week. The Biden Administration has played dumb, insisting they have no clue who the powdery substance may belong to.
It was found in a cubby area for storing electronics within the West Executive basement entryway into the West Wing. A White House official said that “It’s gonna be very difficult for us to do that because of where it was.”
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