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WH Blasts Whistleblower Claims Into Hunter Biden Probe

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The Biden White House denied allegations from a whistleblower alleging that the federal government has mishandled the investigation into Hunter Biden, claiming it is “free from any political interference."


White House spokesman Ian Sams insisted that the whistleblower is just spreading rumors. 

“Since he took office and consistent with his campaign promise that he would restore the independence of the Justice Department when it comes to decision-making in criminal investigations, President Biden has made clear that this matter would be handled independently by the Justice Department, under the leadership of a U.S. Attorney appointed by former President Trump, free from any political interference by the White House," Sams told Fox News in a statement. 

Following the a letter penned by attorney Mark D. Lytle, calling for whistleblower privileges regarding his client, an IRS criminal supervisory agent believed to be Biden, Republicans erupted in reaction, applauding the whistleblower for coming forward. 

"Read this.  Every civil servant who has this kind of information, is willing to come forth should be afforded every protection available under the law. Congress has a duty to hear the information and consider it in whatever or any investigation they are or may pursue,” Former Homeland Security Under Director Michael D. Brown tweeted. 

Radio host Mark Simone said “Major breaking news - a whistleblower exposes a deep cover up in the Hunter Biden investigation and involvement of Merrick Garland in it and, of course, corrupt Lester Holt doesn't even mention it on the evening.”


“They cover up Hunter Biden’s many real crimes. And they indict President Trump over fake crimes. Are you watching? The left is so hell-bent on winning that they’re eroding the rule of law and trying to turn us into a banana republic," former Missouri attorney general candidate Will Scharf tweeted.

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