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Tim Walz Is Still Saying ‘Mind Your Own Damn Business’

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) has been putting together videos and speeches with particularly cringeworthy messages and sayings ever since he was first picked as Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate in early August. We're six weeks away from the election and Walz hasn't stopped. He's even doubled down. This even includes a favorite saying of his, telling people to "mind your own damn business."


On Tuesday, Walz posted a clip of him visiting H&H Soul Food restaurant in Macon, Georgia. It was actually a visit from last week that was just shared. Walz was quite tickled with a sign that said "mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy."

"So I have a saying that everything works better, in government and--and in so many things, if you just mind your own damn business," Walz then told the store employees, as if we haven't already heard such a bogus claim from him plenty of times before. "If you just mind your own damn business, you take care of you, I don't need comment on your family, or what you're doing, or what you're eating, or any of that," he continued, reminding "I say it often."

The post has close to 5,000 replies and hundreds of quoted reposts of people mocking the Democratic nominee for vice president, with Amy Curtis at our sister site of Twitchy highlighting some of the best examples. 

The ad is not merely cringeworthy, though. It could not be more hypocritical, especially given how Walz set up a tipline for residents to snitch on each other during the COVID pandemic. Minnesota, under Walz's administration, did the opposite of what he's telling the restaurant employees on the campaign trail. 


What makes such a post even more ironic is that just days before he had posted that it was "too damn bad" for people to say "I'm really not that into politics." Curtis also highlighted how ridiculous such a post was at the time as well.

Further, Walz encouraging supporters to approach strangers at the grocery store to share their views on the election, as he recommended at a rally earlier this month, is not the definition of "mind your own damn business." 

Walz was thoroughly and fittingly mocked for such a suggestion, as Sam J. covered at Twitchy at the time. 

On Monday, Guy put together a fitting piece with an even better headline about Walz's actual stance about people minding their own business. "Tim Walz: Actually, My Political Agenda Is Your 'Damn Business,' After All," he wrote.

Guy's piece mentions the comments from Walz on telling people to have a "hard conversation" with strangers at the grocery store and people not being into politics, as well as the COVID tipline, and how Walz allowed for his state to be destroyed by Black Lives Matter riots. 


This Tuesday post was shared before and after Walz put out the hysterical and misleading posts he's prone to, specifically about Project 2025. It's an initiative of the Heritage Foundation and is completely separate from the Trump-Vance campaign, but Walz and other top Democrats continue to falsely tie such an initiative to the Republican ticket. Another post falsely claims that the Trump-Vance campaign wants a nationwide ban on abortion, despite how the Republican nominee has repeatedly made clear he believes abortion is an issue best left to the states. 

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