
Kamala: I'll Close Illegal Immigrant Detention Centers 'On Day One'

Kamala Harris is getting tougher on immigration, her campaign staffers have told reporters, who dutifully scribble corresponding headlines.  She's even running ads defending her failed record on illegal immigration and border security as Border Czar -- a colloquial title journalists now pretend she never had, even if they'd previously indicated the opposite.  In reality, she absolutely has been Joe Biden's Border Czar since early 2021, during which time she's presided over approximately ten million illegal border crossings.  To try to dress this up as anything other than a policy-driven catastrophe is beyond brazen, as are any assertions of some new 'pragmatic' or enforcement-centered approach.  The Harris approach to illegal immigration has been affirmatively pro-illegal immigration, certain toothless admonitions notwithstanding. There are two new pieces of information to share with you on this front, but first, here's a reminder of where Kamala Harris stands.  She favors decriminalizing illegal border crossings:

She supports taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants (a stance her running mate turned into law in Minnesota):

She compared ICE, the internal US immigration agency, to the KKK -- and supports abolishing and replacing the agency:

On top of all of that, we are now reminded that she pledged to shut down illegal immigrant detention centers "on day one" of her presidency:

Where would illegal migrants be held for 'vetting' or even processing?  What about dangerous ones, known to be criminals, or tied to terrorist organizations (dozens of whom have been released by the Biden-Harris administration)?  That last clip comes from her 2020 cycle presidential run, as evidenced by the logo and the fact that she's taking questions.  Based on the placard, it looks like the event took place in Iowa.  Harris, who'd amassed the most left-wing record in the entire US Senate, dropped out of the race before the Iowa caucuses.  Whatever words her team will push into the ether over the next few months, the clips above are the real Kamala Harris.  It's the same Kamala Harris who created and abetted the worst illegal immigration crisis in American history, and whose stated policies would somehow make the crisis far worse.  As the intensive makeover continues (expiration date: November 6), here's another related flashback:

Kamala Harris cannot fix the illegal alien problem because she does not want to -- she doesn't even think the term 'illegal alien' should be used at all, just as she passionately believes Americans shouldn't say "Merry Christmas" to each other while illegal immigrants' statuses are in flux:

I'll leave you with this: