
'It's 3am': Chip Roy Releases Chilling Ad on the Need to Use the 25th Amendment

There's been plenty of chatter lately about using the 25th amendment to replace President Joe Biden lately, as well as about Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), the congressman who last Friday filed such a resolution calling on Vice President Kamala Harris to bring the Cabinet together. Roy is doubling down on such an effort. On Tuesday, he shared an ad to promote his resolution, sparking concerns about 3am phone calls.

The foreboding ad, which uses footage from a 2008 campaign ad from Hillary Clinton when she ran against Barack Obama in the primary, gets right to the point. As a child is asleep in bed, a phone rings. "It's 3am, and your children are safe and asleep. But there's a phone in the White House," a narrator says. "Something's happening in the world. Who do you want answering the phone," the narrator continues.

Footage is then shown of Biden's stumbling through his words during last Thursday's debate against former and potentially future President Donald Trump. This was a common theme throughout that 90-minute debate, though a particularly memorable moment was when Biden sputtered out "we finally beat Medicare!"

It wasn't just the debate where we've seen such concerning moments throughout Biden's presidency, especially in recent weeks. The ad also includes a clip of the G7 summit, when Biden had to be pulled back by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni as he went to wander off. 

Biden also fell down and had to be helped back up at the Air Force Academy Graduation last year, as the ad reminds.

"IT'S TIME FOR THE 25TH AMENDMENT," a message on the screen declares, also referencing how Roy has filed H. Res. 1336. 

Roy also posted a copy of his resolution and a meme showing that the 25th Amendment is calling. 

He's also reminded that 72 percent of voters, according to a CBS News/YouGov post-debate poll, believe Biden does not have "the mental and cognitive health to serve as president." 

Roy spoke with radio host Glenn Beck last Friday when such a resolution was first introduced. Like the text of his resolution and the ad reminded, these concerns with Biden are not limited to just one or two examples. Roy also spoke to how there's so many examples of Democrats and their allies in the media reacting to the debate as they did.

"They actually went beyond crying and depression. They went straight to real concern," Roy pointed out, also highlighting how this could point to "opportunity."

"I believe that Democrats have now done this for a long time. They've been guilty of trying to hide it from the American people. They've been using [Biden] as a puppet, as a Manchurian Candidate, to drive the radical agenda. And they've done that, and on purpose, and that now they saw that the gig was up, that Trump could win," Roy explained. "They were hoping they could keep the Manchurian candidate in place. They panicked, and they said,'You know what?' It was a controlled panic. 'Let's do this. Let's have an early debate, see how he performs.' He didn't perform. Now they have what they need to try to push him aside, and, frankly, end run [Vice President] Kamala [Harris]. That's what I actually think. I think part of the prompting to end run Kamala with someone that they can pass and sell." 

Roy also stressed how "our duty is to the Constitution first," when it comes to the need to use the 25th Amendment, and to do so quickly. 

"So for me, I think we have a constitutional duty to protect the Constitution. [Biden's] incapable. I think we should force Democrats to own it and make a choice. 'Do you agree? You believe he's competent?' Look, let's make 'em choose. And if Kamala is going to exercise this, she would become the president. They got to decide if they're going to rally around her or not, or whether they try to end run her with someone else at the convention. It puts them in a box. And I don't think Kamala is the best candidate. So, you know, we could see how it all plays out, but our duty to the Constitution first," he explained. 

While Roy was willing to talk about what other options could go up against Trump, he still stressed "I still think we have a duty right now," stressing how Biden "has the nuclear codes" and "should not be commander-in-chief right this second," as "every second is a second in which we're in danger."

The congressman is expected to also appear on Fox News' "The Story With Martha MacCallum" later this week to justify his resolution even further. 

This article has been updated to note that part of Roy's ad was repurposed from a 2008 campaign ad from Hillary Clinton.