
One State's Supreme Court Just Upheld a Ban on Trans 'Care' for Kids

The issue of so-called “gender-affirming care” for kids has grown in recent years. More and more states and local governments in the U.S. have passed legislation protecting children from these surgeries and  treatments, and more de-transitioners have spoken out about the harm these treatments caused their lives. 

Overseas, researchers at the Netherlands’ University of Groningen released a 15-year study, Development of Gender Non-Contentedness During Adolescence and Early Adulthood, that tracked the “gender unhappiness” of 2,772 participants ages 11 through 26. The study found that most children who feel “transgender” at a young age end up outgrowing it.

Despite this, left-wing advocates in the United States continue to push this harmful agenda onto kids. This week, one state’s Supreme Court pushed back.

On Friday, the Texas Supreme Court upheld the state’s ban on “gender-affirming care” for transgender children, rejecting pleas from parents that it violates their right to seek medical care for their children (via the Associated Press):

The 8-1 ruling from the all-Republican court leaves in place a law that has been in effect since Sept. 1, 2023. Texas is the largest of at least 25 states that have adopted laws restricting or banning gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors.


The Texas law prevents transgender minors from accessing hormone therapies, puberty blockers and transition surgeries, even though medical experts say such surgical procedures are rarely performed on children. Children who had already started the medications that are now banned had to be weaned off in a “medically appropriate” manner.

“We conclude the Legislature made a permissible, rational policy choice to limit the types of available medical procedures for children, particularly in light of the relative nascency of both gender dysphoria and its various modes of treatment and the Legislature’s express constitutional authority to regulate the practice of medicine,” Justice Rebeca Aizpuru Huddle wrote in the court’s decision.

This month, Townhall covered how a Texas doctor is being targeted by the Biden administration for exposing a child sex change program at a Texas hospital. The physician, Dr. Eithan Haim, came forward to City Journal and revealed that Texas Children’s Hospital lied about terminating experimental, irreversible transgender services for kids.

Haim now faces four felony counts of violating HIPAA. He could face up to a decade in prison.

“I worked there. I did surgery there. I knew categorically this was untrue because the people who are doing these surgeries told me they were doing it. So, in the months following, they were multiple people I worked with who came up to me and told me that they’re implanting these puberty-blocking devices into very young children,” Haim said in an interview with Libs of TikTok.

“The reason they’re coming after me is to make an example out of me. To dissuade other whistleblowers from coming out because what we were able to do in our original story is expose the fact that the biggest children’s hospital in the world was lying to the public,” he continued. 

“If they can win this, then the door shuts permanently on any other whistleblower in the field of medicine,” he added.