
Liberals Defend Fellow Democrats Who Have Lied While Calling Out George Santos

Rep.-Elect George Santos (R-NY) is facing a precarious situation before he even takes office next Tuesday at the start of the 118th Congress. After The New York Times revealed discrepancies and falsehoods in his resume, in a report that wasn't even released until more than a month after the election, Santos came clean to The New York Post when it comes to what, as he put it, was "embellishing my resume." Prosecutors have launched an investigation into him, as was just revealed on Wednesday. While fellow Republicans denounce or distance themselves from Santos, he has support from at least one member, in this case Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). Others point out, while not necessarily defending Santos' actions, that there are Democratic politicians who have committed far worse lies. 

On Tuesday, for instance, "Ilhan Omar" was trending, as was "Elizabeth Warren" and "Blumenthal," in reference to Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT). All three are Democrats still in office, with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) even having run for president, despite having themselves lied. 

There were questions with Rep. Ilhan Omar's (D-MN) marital history, and Sen. Warren claimed to be a Native American, while Sen. Blumenthal lied about having served in Vietnam. 

It's not merely members of Congress, but even President Joe Biden as well. While there have been many questions about his resume, the now president has served as a senator and vice president before being being elected to his current office in 2020. 

Guy addressed many of those lies and embellishments from over the years in a piece back in June, many of them involving flat out bizarre stories such as the timeline involving him supposedly being appointed to the Naval academy, being arrested for trying to see Nelson Mandela, actually teaching at the University of Pennsylvania, driving a tractor trailer, how his first job offer came from Boise Cascade, visiting congregants at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, and that the driver involved in the 1972 accident that killed his first wife and daughter was drunk. 

Additionally, Biden continues to embellish and lie today while serving as president. He claimed in July that the oil industry had given him cancer. Then in November, during a speaking engagement with a whole host of other gaffes, claimed to have met the man who invented insulin, despite how he died before Biden was even born. Just earlier this month, the president claimed that during his time as vice president, he awarded his Uncle Frank with a Purple Heart, despite how that uncle died before Biden even took on such a position. 

MSNBC's Chris Hayes actually walked right into the trap of being called out for his hypocrisy, as our friends at Twitchy picked up on.  

Hayes was responding to a tweet from Jonah Goldberg, who made clear that he did not approve of Santos, sharing he thinks he "is a total embarrassment and has no place in public life," before also highlighting how much Biden and former President Donald Trump had "'embellished'" when it comes to "their accomplishments."

The liberal commentator also seemed to suggest that what Biden was doing amounted to "'normal' politician bs-ing" rather than "conman serial lying."

The Tuesday reply has had over 900 replies and, of 179 retweets, 151 of them are quoted retweets. Many of them pointed out just how far Biden's "embellishments" had gone. Further, 2020 was hardly Biden's first run for president. He ran in 1988 and 2008 as well, and even dropped out of the 1988 presidential race as a result of his lies.

Becket Adams, a columnist at the Washington Examiner highlighted the slew of lies and embellishments in a thread. 

If you want further examples of influence, which aren't exactly in short supply, two writers at The New York Times, Michael D. Shear and 

When it comes to Santos serving in Congress, assuming he doesn't resign before next Tuesday, he may actually be in good company, as others have highlighted how, again, without defending Santos, that Congress is already so full of unsavory characters.