
DNC Chairman Gaslights the American People on Biden's Messaging

During his inaugural address, President Joe Biden referenced "unity" multiple times. Americans haven't believed he can for some time now, but recently it's seemed even less believable. Jaime Harrison, though, who chairs the DNC, still thinks the American people can be made to believe Biden's message of supposed unity remains the same. 

Harrison's sticking up for the president's rhetoric during his appearance on CBS News "Face the Nation" came days after Biden said Republican philosophy was "like semi-fascism." 

As Townhall has covered, the president on Thursday attended a DNC fundraiser in Rockville, Maryland, a "safely Democratic" D.C. suburb. During his remarks, he went hard against Republicans. "What we're seeing now is the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It's not just Trump, it's the entire philosophy that underpins the — I'm going to say something — it's like semi-fascism," he claimed. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre doubled down during media appearances and Friday's press briefing.

On Sunday, "Face the Nation" host Major Garrett reminded Harrison of how Biden chose to frame his inaugural speech. "In that Inaugural Address, President Biden said we should not view each other as adversaries in this country, but his neighbors and we should treat each other with dignity and respect. How does semi fascism as a label for the Republican Party fit with that Inaugural Address," he asked him.

Harrison tried to sing Biden's praises, even doubling down on the president's insults, before Garrett cut him off to get a clear answer.

"Well, the one thing that President Joe Biden has been is always been consistent, and he has always been somebody who does what my grandfather used to do, which is speak it plain, say it plain to the the American people. And what we see right now is a full frontal attack by these extreme MAGA Republicans in this country," Harrison began his response to that question with. 

"Mr. Chairman, you embrace the rhetoric, 'semi fascism' to describe the Republican Party," Garrett cut him off to ask, with Harrison taking issue with the phrasing of such a direct question.

Harrison went on to call out Republican views, as well as Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis and a concurring solo opinion by Justice Clarence Thomas:

Well, it's not about the embracing –  its calling what what it is what it is, in the end of the day, we are a country built on freedom. And when you chip away at that, when you see the bullying that takes place in place like Florida with DeSantis, when you see them chip away at privacy rights when they try to demonize the other, that the attacks on transgender kids and their families, the attacks on marriage equality that we're hearing from the Supreme Court. 

This is not who America is. We're about freedom and rights for all of America's people, not just a select few. But the Republicans are turning a blind eye  - this extreme agenda, and this is what this election is all about. It is the great contrast between a party, the Democratic Party, that is standing up for the hopes and aspirations of the American people and protecting our rights as Americans and our freedoms. And a Republican party that is focused on fear, that's focused on fraud that is focused on just getting power.

The Thursday night fundraiser, was described by the Associated Press as an event that was "meant to ease Biden into what White House aides say will be an aggressive season of championing his policy victories and aiding his party’s candidates." But, it also likely highlights the desperation from Biden and the Democrats as they demonize their opponents a little over two months before the midterms. 

While many Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media claim Democrats have a greater shot of holding onto the Senate and potentially even the House, pointing to a poll increase for the president, Biden still remains at just a 41.9 percent approval according to RealClearPolitics

Further, a Civiqs poll shows Biden is doing poorly, including and especially in battleground states.

The segment went beyond discussing 2022, as Harrison also assured Garrett that Biden "has consistently said that his intention is to run for president in the United States," offering "the Democratic National Committee will be fully behind behind him and Kamala Harris" as he claimed "this president has a record of achievement, and America needs President Biden to continue that effort."

Whether or not Harrison and the DNC actually believe Biden should and will run for re-election, the American people don't, including fellow Democrats.

Also on Sunday, a USA Today/Ipsos poll revealed that 56 percent of Democrats do not want Biden to run for re-election, and only 60 percent think he can win. In contrast, 59 percent of Republicans think Trump should be their nominee in 2024, while 82 percent of Republicans think he can win. That poll was conducted online from August 18-22, with 2,345 adults and a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points. 

Such a poll is actually more favorable to Biden than others have been, including a poll from The New York Times/Siena College poll released in early July that found 64 percent of Democrats want someone other than Biden in 2024. 

"Fascists" was trending on Twitter earlier during the day in reaction to Harrison's segment, as well as the president's remarks which the White House has doubled down on.