
New Ad Calls Out Uber for Its Troublesome Track Record With Women

A new ad out this week slams rideshare company Uber for using rabidly pro-abortion activism to paper over its own terrible track record of protecting women.

Released by Consumers' Research as part of its larger Consumers First initiative — one that calls out woke companies that don't practice what they preach to earn leftist brownie points — the 30-second spot will air nationwide in the days ahead, including in New York, Washington, and San Francisco where Uber is headquartered.  

Consumers' Research Executive Director Will Hild pointed out the serious safety issues Uber has allowed to fester, endangering women it claims to champion by promoting abortion and paying associated costs as necessary for women to lead fulfilling lives. 

As the ad points out, Uber has had more than 100 of its drivers accused of sexual assault or abuse through 2018 and the company self-reported 998 sexual assault incidents — including more than 140 rape reports — by users of its service in a 2022 safety report. 

"Uber hasn't done what it takes to address this serious issue," Hild said on Twitter as the ads hit airwaves. "Uber would rather virtue signal about abortion than actually address the hundreds of reported sexual assaults that happen on their platform. The truth: Uber’s behavior toward women has been nothing short of horrifying — and assuming that paying for abortion expenses is somehow going to make it all better is manipulative and extremely misguided," he added.

As Townhall previously reported, Consumers' Research campaigns have targeted other woke companies including State Farm, Nike, Major League Baseball, and others.