
Joe Biden Managed to Fall Asleep Standing Up, Mix Himself Up with Michelle Obama All at One Event

It's getting increasingly anxiety-inducing to watch President Joe Biden give these public addresses. This Saturday, the president and first lady spoke at the commissioning commemoration ceremony of the USS Delaware.

The remarks weren't exactly memorable because either of them said something groundbreaking. The president, however, did mix himself up with former First Lady Michelle Obama, with "Michelle Obama" trending on Twitter for Saturday night. 

As a result, the White House transcript had to go in and save him, as they've had to do before with this administration. "And I’m deeply proud of the work she is doing as First Lady with Joining Forces initiative she started with Michelle Obama when she [I] was Vice President and now carries on," is how the transcript has it, indicating the president had mistakenly referred to Michelle Obama as vice president.

Granted, last Saturday was a particularly noteworthy example, considering the president called for regime change in Russia when he said that "For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power," speaking of Vladimir Putin. There was a whole song and dance with the White House walking back the remarks, but confusion and discomfort still loom.

Nevertheless, such incidents still concern our allies. 

It's no wonder the calls keep coming in to invoke the 25th Amendment, considering the 79-year-old president, the oldest we've had, doesn't seem to be all mentally there. Or, at the very least, he's far too old. 

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), who has also served as the White House physician, has consistently called on the need for the president to take a cognitive test. He also called on Biden to resign on Saturday, something he's predicted Biden will have to do, if he's not removed by the 25th Amendment. 

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley has also called on politicians of a certain age to receive a cognitive test. 

He also fell asleep during the ceremony, while standing up, saluting.