
Here's How Ted Cruz Responded When the PA Attorney General Told Him to 'Stay the Hell Out' of the Race

Pennsylvania's attorney general Josh Shapiro lost the confidence of many Americans when he foreshadowed a Joe Biden win in the state before any votes had even been tallied. Add to that a secretary of state who has a history of anti-Trump bias, and the Trump campaign's concern that Republican poll watchers were being kept from watching the tally.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) shared those same concerns on Fox News Thursday night and encouraged his followers to actually read the court order that addressed the issue. According to reports, one poll watcher was forced to stand so far away from the count that he had to use binoculars to try and watch the process. A judge ordered the city to allow the poll watchers to inch closer.

In an interview with Katie Couric, Shapiro reacted to Sen. Cruz as any mature official would.

Sen. Ted Cruz should know better," he said. "And he should also stay the hell out of Pennsylvania’s business.” 

Cruz quickly demonstrated that he isn't going to take that advice.

Decision Desk called the Keystone State (and the presidency) for Biden on Friday morning. The Trump campaign, however, vowed that the fight is far from over. They plan to fight in court.