
Demonstrators Put Trump Effigy in a Guillotine Outside White House

As the last night of the Republican National Convention was held outside the White House Thursday night, protesters marched through the streets calling for revolution, violent BLM mobs chased down GOP lawmakers and attendees, and at one point, demonstrators also put up an effigy of President Trump in a guillotine.

“Off with his head!” one protester is heard saying. A piece of paper that was placed on the effigy read: “Ticket - Fascist, Rapist, Criminal.”

Earlier in the day, a mock guillotine was also set up in front of Jeff Bezos’s Washington, D.C. mansion demanding higher wages for Amazon workers, from $15 per hour to $30 per hour.

According to Forbes, Bezos has become the richest person in history with a net worth that surpassed $200 billion.

This isn’t the first time protesters have put a guillotine in front of Bezos’s home. In June, demonstrators called for Amazon to be abolished.

“Amazon works directly with police to surveil us, stoking racist fears in the name of profit. Doubling down on their union busting and mistreatment of workers, Amazon fired and racially slandered labor organizer Chris Smalls. Join us to tell Jeff Bezos enough is enough!” read a flyer advertising the protest. “End the abuse and profiteering. Abolish the police, the prisons, and Amazon.”