
Jemele Hill: Respecting The American Flag And National Anthem Is A Dog Whistle

Well, if there is one person who is still stuck on the American flag debate, it’s The Undefeated’s Jemele Hill. Hill was thrust into the national limelight for calling President Donald Trump a white supremacist. At the time, she was an ESPN host, but has since been taken off the air and reassigned to the Undefeated publication. 

Hill’s latest salvo was calling out University of Mississippi’s basketball coach Kermit Davis, who said his team would respect the flag and the national anthem. She called this a “dog whistle.” Yeah, that’s where the Left is right now. Any sign of respect for the flag is somehow a coded message for more sinister aims. 

The flag debate engulfed the National Football League last season, hurting its ratings, sinking ticket sales, and making it one of the most divisive brands in the country. The NFL played a torturous game of trying to explain that they respect the flag and the anthem, and that they understand the fans’ disgust over players who take a knee. It kicked up a notch when the president called for these players to be fired or suspended.

The league and the Left thought they would win this culture war—wrong. Most see standing for the anthem and honoring the flag, rightfully, as an extension of respect to those who serve and have died defending the nation. Kneeling is seen as spitting in the face of those men and women in uniform.  When those who defended the anthem kneelers had to explain these actions, they lost. 

It wasn’t hard to figure this one out. When you trash the troops, or it looks like your doing just that, it’s over. This battle is over, but who are we to stop the Left if they want to get their faces broken again over this issue.