Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:
Brian Williams has been suspended by NBC for 6 months without pay. This will likely give him a little more time to invent some stories for his memoirs.
John Stewart will be stepping down as host of the “Daily Show” in coming months. So far, no replacement has been named, but from what I hear, there’s another fake news anchor (who was just suspended by NBC) who might soon be job hunting.
Netflix gleefully announced that they were expanding services to Cuba. So now, any Cuban with high speed internet and international payment methods (not to mention money) will be able to watch government-approved Netflix programming… I’m sure the four Cubans who meet this criteria are thrilled.
A number of cities are now weighing whether or not they will allow illegal immigrants, and other non-citizens, to vote in local elections… Because nothing upholds the integrity of our electoral process like letting foreign nationals engage in it, right?
Michelle Obama said that if you don’t like having government in your daily life, the best thing you can do is “stay healthy”… In other news, I hope all you healthy people have signed up for government-mandated health insurance that meets the government-defined requirements under Obamacare. Because open enrollment ends this week.
So this is what “Progress” looks like: 46 million people on food stamps for 39 straight months. If this were truly a booming economic recovery, doesn’t it almost seem like more people should to be able to afford their own food?
War on Women update: A pair of ultra-wealthy Democrat donors fired their pregnant housekeeper because she asked for maternity leave. (Maybe they were just upset she wasn’t taking advantage of her free contraception.)
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