Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:
Prince Charles says that when he is King, he’ll be very outspoken. I was unaware that Obama had already appointed a successor.
A White House spokesperson laughed when someone suggested that Obama was tearing up the constitution with his executive action. Of course, he’s not “tearing up” the Constitution! They’re going to pay an illegal immigrant 20 bucks to feed it to the shredder.
The big networks, by the way, have all decided not to carry the President’s prime-time remarks on immigration. They should be careful… He might just throw in an extra executive action to sign on Friday.
Buffalo New York is on pace to get an entire year’s worth of global warming (8 feet of snow) in just three days. Now, to be fair, a lot of global warming alarmists have said that New York would soon be under water… They just didn't mention that the water would be in frozen powder form.
The Islamic State is looking to hire people with technical weapon experience… I can only imagine the job ad: Help Wanted. Must have technical knowledge of advance weapon systems. Hatred of Jews and Christians required. Experience in beheading, amputating and torturing captives a plus, but will train the right candidate. No women please. Send Resume and brief cover letter to
Over a million dollars was spent to keep 8 EPA workers employed – despite the fact that they didn't actually do any work. I would like to know how much it might cost to keep the rest of the EPA from “working”… It might be a good investment.
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