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CNN Guest Highlights Biden's Latest 'Hail Mary' Move, and Why It Won't Work

AP Photo/Luca Bruno

It’s pandering of the worst kind, and it probably won’t work. Joe Biden has issued a toothless executive order on immigration regarding shutting down the border if illegal alien contacts reach 2,500 at the ports of entry. It won’t do anything, not least, since a majority of Hispanic voters favor the mass deportation of illegal aliens. So, to make this immigration issue more impactful for some, Biden wants to extend amnesty to illegals married to American citizens who have lived here for the past ten years. It could shield 500,000 illegal aliens from deportation. 


Bryan Lanza was a guest on CNN yesterday, and he labeled the move a “Hail Mary” attempt for Biden in the hope that it would stop the hemorrhaging among Hispanic voters. Democratic strategist James Carville conceded that the party lost Hispanic men. Lanza is a former Trump official, but the fact remains that Democrats think they have a political advantage with this voter bloc when that’s no longer the case.

When you screw up, Hispanics, like most voters who aren’t senile like Biden, will pick the other guy—Trump or not. They’re also a diverse voting group. In Texas, Tejanos consider themselves white and don’t toe the Democratic Party lines of what Latino communities should act and vote like. Like most Americans, the economy is on their minds, and Biden’s inability to recognize or tackle rising inflation is frustrating. How is helping American citizens keep their illegal alien brides going to help their home economic situation? It doesn’t. 

Nicholas Kristof penned an op-ed in The New York Times faulting liberals for destroying the West Coast by heavily emphasizing ideological purity rather than governing. There’s much political theater on the West Coast but little regarding policy results. That’s at the core of this Biden amnesty push, a policy that Hispanic voters have never liked. 


The 'keep the illegal alien wives' plan begins at the end of summer. The timing is just pathetically shameless:


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