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Ted Cruz Didn't Mince Words When Ripping Into Antony Blinken

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) showed no mercy toward Secretary of State Antony Blinken for presiding over unprecedented chaos regarding American foreign policy before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday. The Texas Republican did not mince words ripping into Blinken and the Biden administration for pushing policies that undermine our allies and appease and strengthen our enemies. 


Cruz bashed our top diplomat for nearly 10 minutes, highlighting the shambolic mess we’ve created in Ukraine, the inability to curb Iran’s influence, and our Russian roulette-like tactics with Israel. Trump had Iran under control. Biden allowed them to be flushed with oil money again, which Blinken tried to deny, but Cruz kept pushing how the world’s largest state sponsor of terror was selling 300,000 barrels of oil a day to 2 million under Biden’s watch. That oil revenue went to training the Hamas terrorists who carried out the October 7 attacks. 

Blinken tried his best to defend the administration’s position, noting that Joe Biden has done plenty to protect Israel while repeatedly claiming that the news reports that they’re withholding intelligence from the Israelis on possible Hamas targets are false. Despite the administration’s disapproval of the Rafah operation, Blinken was adamant they would share relevant information. Cruz then pressed the secretary if those who briefed The Washington Post were lying. Blinken said the reports were wrong, though why are we withholding arms shipments from Israel? 


Blinken then tried to make the case that America was alone under Trump, and now we have a community of nations committed to addressing global security issues. 

Cruz torched that point by citing Trump’s Abraham Accords, which was historic in pushing more Arab nations to normalize relations with Israel. So, no, Mr. Blinken, that’s not true. America wasn’t alone. We have peace and prosperity. You and your boss wrecked it.

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