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Glenn Greenwald Brutally Eviscerates All the Narratives Peddled By the Left About January 6

AP Photo/John Minchillo

Glenn Greenwald isn’t a conservative, though he’s been more receptive and complimentary about right-leaning media outlets in recent years. The reason is simple: these outlets cover stories the media establishment refuses. Greenwald may sound like he’s been red-pilled, but he’s remained constant like Bill Maher. It’s just that more folks on his side are taking up abjectly insane and anti-democratic positions on policy and free speech rights. Still, on these topics, Greenwald has shown to be relentless and, at times, ruthless in his critiques of the Democratic Party, the media, and the Department of Justice. It’s earned him more than a few media spots on Fox News and the ire of fellow progressives.


The latest narrative Greenwald is trying to exorcise from the souls of liberals is that January 6 was an attempted coup, armed rebellion, or an insurrection. It’s an emphatic no on all fronts. Joe Biden is president, the military was not deployed, and Trump left willingly. All of the characteristics of a traditional coup d’état are absent, and the former Guardian journalist slaps down all the points made by liberals Destiny and the Krassenstein brothers, Ed and Brian. 

If there is one critique of Greenwald, which could be viewed as a positive or a negative, maybe he shouldn’t agree to participate in some of these debates. This one, held on January 7, had Alex Jones on the panel. It was a ZeroHedge debate, which is an interesting site, though one which, at times, veers into territory that’s out there. But this is America, and we have free speech. And I tip my cap to Greenwald for not being afraid to discuss any issue with anyone. Someone clipped Greenwald shredding all the points made by the Krassensteins and Destiny, aka Steven Kenneth Bonnell, a video game streamer, by photoshopping bruises and cuts on their faces every time Greenwald delivered a counterpunch:


Again, Greenwald may sound like a conservative in these clips, but he’s not. He’s just not crazy like the rest of the Left. Also, what a smackdown; it was absolutely brutal.

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