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VICE Posted a List on How White People Can Behave Better...and It's Unintentionally Hilarious

Nathan Denette/The Canadian Press via AP, File

The issue here is that this could easily be viewed as a satirical piece. Maybe it is, perhaps it isn’t, but that’s how insane the Left has become—where a list such as this for white people is tragically taken seriously by some. It’s an old list, however. Social media has a way of resurrecting woke think pieces if they slide under the radar at the time of publication or people forget about them. Vice had this 100-item list for how white people can make life less miserable for nonwhites and something, something else, but you can tell where this was heading in the opening sentences: 


As someone with very low tolerance for racist bullshit, I’ve managed to surround myself with white people who are cognizant of their privilege and strive to make the world a less terrifying and frustrating place for people of color. 

Oh lord. And this list was from 2018; the Woke Left has become much more unspooled since then. Here are some items on the list:

4. If someone tells you they’re from Uganda, don’t say, “I went to Nigeria once!” Just, please.

5. Related: Don’t refer to Africa as a country. It's a continent and it's wildly varied. Yes. Take a moment.

6. Oh, and rest assured that literally no person of color ever wants you to get back from holiday, show off your tan and excitedly exclaim, “Look, I’m almost as dark as you!” Cease and desist. 

7. Don’t assume that a person of color knows everything about their country of heritage. Do you know everything there is to know about America? Germany? Sweden? That’s what I thought. 

8. Don’t assume we can run if we’re Black, do math if we’re Asian, have drinking problems if we’re indigenous… 

9. Regard us as autonomous, unique individuals, not as representatives of our race. 

10. Don’t make embarrassing jokes to try and be “down” with people of color. We’ll laugh at you, not with you. 

11. Don’t rinse our culturally specific memes. They’re ours. Go enjoy that weird one about the plums. 

12. If you’re at my house party, don’t turn off the Weeknd to put on Arctic Monkeys. (Okay this one is very specific but it happened to me once and I’m not over it. The audacity!) 


93. Remember that your queerness/womanhood/transness/class background/disability doesn’t exclude you from white privilege. 

94. Make your feminism useful to all women rather than calling yourself an ‘intersectional feminist’. Show, don’t tell. 

95. Don’t assume, full stop, that you can understand what it's like to experience racism. You can’t. That’s the whole point. 

96. Understand that nothing in your life has been untouched by your whiteness. Everything you have would have been harder to come by if you had not been born white. 

97. Be grateful for the lesson when you’re called out on racism, getting defensive won’t help.


No wonder why these people are humorless souls. How can you live like this? The chardonnay-drinking white suburban womenfolk, many of whom would eat this list up, add another level of cringe since they’re the ones who would enforce these protocols like the South African Police under apartheid. Be miserable and be cognizant of the ever-present, ever-engulfing oppressed/oppressor dichotomy the Left promulgates daily.

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