The Left ruins everything because they try to find the slightest things controversial and then push said faux dispute through the woke intersectional system, which leads to pure mayhem. If you go to any soccer match in the United States, it’s often popular in liberal bastions, where you’ll see every flag representing every left-wing group under the sun. The only things missing are Antifa flags and the hammer and sickle. Of all the issues to rail against at the 2022 World Cup, one writer decided to attack the Argentina National Team for not having black players. It’s not Qatar holding a heinous human rights record or that the nation pulled a fast one to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages at the event—it’s the supposed lack of diversity on the Argentina team. What’s even more hilarious is that the entire thesis of the piece was undercut by the editors of The Washington Post, where this article was published, because, as it turns out, there aren’t any black people in Argentina.
The headline is nauseating: “Why doesn’t Argentina have more Black players in the World Cup? Argentina is far more diverse than many people realize — but the myth that it is a White nation has persisted.”
I’m not even going to blockquote the text because the historical analysis is misapplied to the point of comedy. To summarize, a bunch of enslaved Black people was shipped to Argentina, and there is a list of supposed reasons to explain the erasure of this racial group in the country, which has buoyed assertions that the South American country is a “white nation.” When you read the article, it does come off as someone complaining about nothing. Black Argentinians make up less than one percent of the nation’s population. Suffice it to say, maybe that’s why there aren’t that many black players on the team, and no, I don’t need to look back into colonial history to draw that conclusion:
Due to an editing error, an earlier version of this piece noted that roughly one percent of the Argentinian population was Black according to a 2010 government released census. While the number of Black people cited was accurate, the percentage was actually far less than one percent and the piece has been amended to state that.
But let’s keep going on this tangent: I wonder why there aren’t many Jewish, black, or white players on the Chinese National Soccer Team. We might need to search the scrolls of the Han Dynasty for that one.
I love that these pieces are always labeled "Perspective" when that's the one thing they lack
— (@jtLOL) December 12, 2022
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