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Did You Miss Ted Cruz Smacking Down Liz Cheney's Insufferable Self-Righteousness? Grab a Seat.

Mark Rogers/Odessa American via AP

It's not widely covered because there are more pressing matters going on, but Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) social media staff are very good at their jobs. They deserve a raise, especially after the beating they delivered to Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and outgoing Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL). Cheney and Kinzinger are two of the most vocal anti-Trump Republicans who claim they're going to stand for principles, country over party, and purge Trumpism from the GOP. Kinzinger will do that by…leaving Congress. He's quitting. He's done. He would have to duke it out with fellow Republican Congressman Darin LaHood, who is more in line with the GOP base. Liz will be on an island by herself. You know the saying, "old man yells at cloud"? This is the female version of it. Cruz's social media war with these two began when CNN had a hilarious segment about Cheney possibly being a 2024 presidential candidate. It was about the New Hampshire primary.


"Yes. It's called the Democratic primary," tweeted Cruz.

"I know you're posturing for the secessionist vote, Ted. But my party, the Republican party, saved the Union. You swore an oath to the Constitution. Act like it," replied Cheney.

Then, Kinzginger chimes in with, "Damn son Liz brought the heat on you!"

Oh, please—this is weak sauce; everyone knows it.

"These two need to hurry up and get their bottom-rated MSNBC show," replied Cruz, tagging both members of Congress.

Nothing will ever top when Ted Cruz owned Deadspin four years ago. 


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